Monday, 6 June 2011

Grown-ups wearing 'funny' t-shirts!

Recently, I saw a guy wearing a t-shirt which proclaimed that during his participation in the 'Sex Olympics', he emerged as the U.K. champion. Now, clearly this is intended to humourously imply that he is good at sex. But I think it fails to do so because the olympic games are an international event. So to be the U.K. champion is not actually that much of an achievement. It's like saying, "I'm good at sex... but not that good".

Now this might be funny to a somebody below the age of 16... but for a grown man to be wearing it, in what was quite a fancy bar, strikes me as slightly pathetic.

It's not the only example of an ill-advised 'witty' t-shirt I've seen. I used to know a guy who wore this beauty on a tshirt:

I don't even.

I also cringe whenever I see "FBI: Female Body Inspector" t-shirts.

Have you seen any 'funny' vêtements?


  1. ahahahah thats pretty funny

  2. My friend has one that looks like a visa sign but it says 'vagina: accepted here'

  3. I had a boyfriend that had a tshirt that said "I fuck nuns." It was brilliant.

  4. i loathe these 'funny' shirts, specially the sex related ones...

  5. rofl @ zombies has feelings 2

  6. oh god i hate slogan shirts

  7. lol this is disturbing cuz he was probably fat and bald xD

  8. yeh those shirts are funny when you're 13 maybe 14, but adults wearing them = losers.

  9. I've seen more than one "free mustache ride" shirts.

  10. yeah i seen loads cant think of many right now >.<

  11. Way too many of these shirts now...

  12. Funny shirts are weekend use only with me, but I used to use them all the time.

  13. I hate it when adults wear these!

  14. I think those T-Shirts are pretty clever, and I find them funny so ssh :P

  15. That shirt is the definition of subtle. [/sarcasm]

  16. i think there is an iq limit for shirts like that, also big johnson shirts

  17. There are so many clever Tshirts out there, why where these super lame ones? I hate Mustache Rides shirts. Just do...

  18. i used to have a shirt that said I support single moms with a pole dancer on it. gotta alotta compliments when i wore it

  19. I agree, especially when like 40+ guys where em. Ew.

  20. Those shirts are so Cheezy, it hurts

  21. i saw a good few yesterday, i couldn't help but think about this blog post yesterday

  22. I hate these types of shirts >.<

  23. I never understand why grown up people buy these shirts.

  24. haha yeah its so wrong. saw a guy the other day with one saying im 18 with 50 years experiance

  25. How about a shirt that says "U Jelly?" or "Cool Story Bro" lol

  26. I wear graphics when I want a shirt that I can destroy and no one will care. Like when I go to the bar. They aren't there for the funny, just so I don't ruin something good.

  27. Yeah the FBI one's are so overplayed, just creepy when you see adults wearing it :S

  28. i had a "pimpercrombie and bitch" shirt. but then i turned 12.

  29. I used to work on national elections, and I kid you not, an 80 year old election official showed up to the polls with that very same 'sex instructor, first lesson free' shirt. He thought he was the life of the party. I thought it was kinda funny, how pissed off all of these uptight voters got over it. You'd have thought he just screamed the F word in church.

  30. yup its creepy. I like witty shirts not sexually pathetic ones

  31. Once when I was a kid, maybe 10 or 11, I wore a T-shirt that had a set of golf clubs on a green and the caption: "My equipment may be old but I can still get it in the air." I didn't get the joke at the time.

  32. i feel like i've gotten too old myself. :)

  33. I like the one of the kids around the campfire that says, "It's all fun and games until somebody loses his wiener."

  34. i stopped wearing those shirts when i got to my thirties

  35. its nice to see a funny t-shirt sometimes

  36. I stopped wearing those shirts in my fourties....

  37. me too, i just don't get it
