Recently, I saw a guy wearing a t-shirt which proclaimed that during his participation in the 'Sex Olympics', he emerged as the U.K. champion. Now, clearly this is intended to humourously imply that he is good at sex. But I think it fails to do so because the olympic games are an
international event. So to be the U.K. champion is not actually that much of an achievement. It's like saying, "I'm good at sex... but not
that good".
Now this might be funny to a somebody below the age of 16... but for a grown man to be wearing it, in what was quite a fancy bar, strikes me as slightly pathetic.
It's not the only example of an ill-advised 'witty' t-shirt I've seen. I used to know a guy who wore this beauty on a tshirt:
I don't even.
I also cringe whenever I see "FBI: Female Body Inspector" t-shirts.
Have you seen any 'funny'